Coldewey Consulting Publications

No matter how good the technique of a project is, the project is doomed to fail if the team doesn't jell or the exterior political issues are not regarded. A successful project depends on a good balance between politics, team building, and technique. The publications on this page describe some techniques I have found to be helpful in my work as a consultant.

My Portrait

I used to write a regular column on consulting in the German magazine Objekt Spektrum. Please refer to the (German) Consulting Column page for details. The following articles have been published in German, before the column was changed to a column about Agile Processes:

Lazy Leader

Coldewey Consulting 1998.

Sometimes the team leader puts herself on the critical path. When the going gets tough she hasn’t the resources to rescue the project. So keep the leader off the critical path.

This is a single pattern I wrote when I assisted Alistair Cockburn doing a workshop on writing management patterns. It was also reviewed during the demo workshop on the opening session of EuroPLoP '98.

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Author: Jens Coldewey
Last change: May 17th 2001