EuroPLoP Logo EuroPLoP '98

Third European Conference on
Pattern Languages of Programming and Computing

Fast Track Information

Similar to pattern literature, we make every effort to improve the PLoP conferences themselves. This is to sharpen the unique character of the PLoP conference series as well as the individual character of each of its family members. For those who have attended last year's EuroPLoP this page summarizes the changes and explains their intent. Feel free to contact us for any comment or suggestion you have.

Changes to the CFP

  • Earlier deadlines: To have more time for shepherding and final preparation, the submission deadlines are one month earlier this year! Please do not miss.
  • More emphasis on Pattern Writing Workshops: Some pattern papers will benefit most from work in close collaboration with an experienced pattern author, beyond the shepherding process. This is the setting provided by pattern writing workshops.
  • Focus Groups: Focus groups concentrate on pattern-related issues rather than the submitted patterns themselves. We are inviting proposals for workshops on research and experiences, and on learning from other disciplines.
  • Publication Process: To give the authors a chance to incorporate the improvements to their pattern before formal publication, the preliminary proceedings distributed at the conference are not going to be published. Instead, you have the chance to submit an improved version of the paper for final publication. Therefore, every pattern accepted for a Writer's Workshop and every Focus Group report will count as a citable reference.

[EuroPLoP 98 Homepage]
Authors: <, >
Last change: January 30th 1998