EuroPLoP Logo EuroPLoP '98 
Third European Conference on
Pattern Languages of Programming and Computing


The EuroPLoP organisation would like to thank the three companies that have sponsored EuroPLoP '98:

EA Generali

With particular thanks to Wolgang Keller. Generali have generously sponsored three EuroPLoP scholarship places. EuroPLoP scholarships are available to pattern authors and focus-group leaders who wouldn't be able to attend the conference without some form of financial support - the scholarship covers the full conference fee.

Addison-Wesley Longman with John Wiley & Sons

With particular thanks to Sally Mortimore and Gaynor Redvers-Mutton. Addison-Wesley Longman and John Wiley & Sons are both publishing houses that have supported the patterns community in general and EuroPLoP in particular. This year they have jointly sponsored the Welcome Reception - a great start to the conference.

[EuroPLoP 98 Homepage]
Authors: <,>
Last change: June 28th 1998