John Wiley & Sons |
With particular thanks to Karen Mosman and Debbie Scott. Wiley sponsor the welcome reception - a great start to the conference. |
Pearson Education | With particular thanks to Alison Birtwell and Claudia Orrell. Pearson Education sponsor the welcome reception - a great start to the conference. | |
Siemens | With particular thanks to Frank Buschmann. Siemens have generously sponsored EuroPLoP scholarship places. EuroPLoP scholarships are available to student pattern authors who wouldn't be able to attend the conference without some form of financial support. Siemens have also sponsored the printing of the conference proceedings. | |
Generali | With particular thanks to Wolfgang Keller. Generali have generously sponsored EuroPLoP scholarship places. EuroPLoP scholarships are available to student pattern authors who wouldn't be able to attend the conference without some form of financial support. | |
Coldewey Consulting |
With particular thanks to Jens Coldewey who sponsors the childcare. Professional childcare is available during all conference activities. Also, Jens offered his website for the EuroPLoP conference pages. |
sd&m | With particular thanks to Andreas Rüping. sd&m provide notebook computers for use during the conference. |